Monday 5 December 2011

McLeish is the only way

I for one was shocked and appalled at the way our team played against Spurs. I was even more shocked that this wasn't rectified for the Man U game. That too was a disaster. But one man that I am finding hard to blame solely for our dismal performances is McLeish.

Cast your minds back to the O'Neil era. Things were great. Top 6 three seasons in a row. We were flying high- hopes of champions league football, exciting players, bright future. We really were a force to be reckoned with, with at one stage even Sir Alex Ferguson claiming that we were title contenders. You zoom forwards just a couple of seasons and people are now discussing us as relegation contenders. Oh how things change. 

However, it was always going to change. MON left due to the sale of Milner and the sheer willingness of Lerner just to let him go. In the eyes of many this can be seen as ambition-less. Sell your best players and what do you expect? But in my eyes, it is different. I truly believe that Lerner has the club at his heart. He is looking to the future and wants us to be successful and the only way a club like Villa can be successful is if he continues to balance the books and deal sensibly. This is after all a business and he needs a Manager that can understand this and share his views.

So the appointment of McLeish drew thousands of supporters into dismay. I for one was not happy at all when I heard the news. But whats done is done. He is our manager and we must support him. So far we have played 14. Won 3, Drawn 7 and Lost 4. Got to admit, it's hardly great form. But what people are so often to forget is that the blame must not all pass to the manager, it MUST also pass to the players. Apart from Agbonlahor and Herd, not many players in my opinion have given 100% every game. And that I believe is down to confidence. You may agree here, but then the majority of you will argue that instilling confidence into a team is entirely the managers role. But I disagree. When you're playing in a stadium which only looks half full, with no atmosphere and the only noise your hear are the booes coming from the crowd, how do you expect players to react? Players thrive off home support. If the crowd can get behind a team, just look what can happen. I watched the Wolves-Sunderland game last night and boy oh boy was I impressed with the home side. But a lot of that must go towards the crowd. The crowd were absolutely terrific and drove the players on. It is only common sense that cheering can make you play better. I for one can vouch for that, when I did the Birmingham Half marathon. There is not a feeling like it when crowds of people are yelling you to do well. But we don't do that at Villa Park. The first sign of defeat in a game and we're against them. I know that because I go to the Villa. Before the game it's all so very optimistic. As soon as the other team score, the abuse that the manager gets is utterly ridiculous.

Fans need to understand that this was never going to be an easy season. We are currently 9th (yes our performances don't match our league position) but the fact is it, we are ninth. There are many worse teams than us in the premiership - Wigan and Blackburn scream to mind. We have a set of absolutely quality players that people just don't realise. Darren Bent is an unbelievable goal scorer, Gabby (the shining light of our season so far) is terrific and the youngsters coming through such as Gary Gardner put us in such good stead for the future. I don't believe it is all gloom and doom but I do believe it will be if the fans continue to act the way they do.

I know it's hard to cheer players on when they're losing but at the end of the day, it's the only thing you can do. Holding McLeish banners saying MCLEISH OUT will not do a bloody thing. Booing at half time and at full time will not do a bloody thing. Lerner has made up his mind. He bought in McLeish against everyone's wishes which I believe shows a true strength of character and determination. He is here for the long run which is why people need to rid of the negativity. There is nothing you can do. Now put away your banners, stop moaning and start getting behind your team. Cheers them on and make Villa Park the fortress it should be.

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